Electrostatic Printing

1. Electrostatic  printing  is  a  small  but  rapidly growing computer based technology for printing.
2. Electrostatic printing systems are the following four steps;
3. The information to be printed is supplied in digital form from a computer.
4. It is imaged onto a continuously rotating drum.
5. The drum transfers the image to the passing plastic.
6. The rotating drum is wiped clean to repeat the process.
1. First the photopositive imaging drum is rotating and accepts a uniform positive electrical charge while passing the charging station.
2. The positive charge is then reversed to a negative charge where it is exposed to light at the imaging station.
3. The drum surface, now negatively changed where on image is desired, passes through a tray of pigmented toner in the developing station.
4. The negative charge of the image on the drum, and repelled from the positive background charge.
5. At the transfer station, a stronger negative charge beneath the paper pulls the positive toner from the image drum onto the paper.
6. Then it is printed.
The chief advantages of electrostatic printing such as ink jet, thermal transfer and dot matrix impact printing is the elimination of the printing plate
It is used for preparing lottery tickets, a series
of individual grocery store self bar codes which are automatically collected by the out put.
Also credit cards with a bloc and White Photographs, Finger print and Signature of the card holder permanently laminated into the card.

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