Numerical Control (NC)

NC: numerical control is technique of automatically operating a productive based facility based on code of letter, number and simples. The complete set of coded instructions responsible for executing and operation is called part program. NC systems are classified into three groups::
PTP (Point to point): or positing system reface to operation that required fast movement to a point followed by a manufacturing operation at that point. NC drilling machine example of PTP:
Straight cut NC: the tool moves parallel to the one of the mager axis at a desirer rate suitable for the matching. It is suitable to the milling of a rectangular body. 
Countering: in this process continuous path system the tool follower the tool designs according to the workpiece. In this the movement of tool is preciously control act all times in all planes.
Component of Nc machine:
Program of induction: is also called part program. The detail of set of direction for perusing a component by the NC machine.
Tape punch: It is usually a proper “Taper of one inch with paper-mylor, Aluminum mylor, and plastic” are also used for tap material. It is cheap popular but can’t be last-long.
Tape reader: the whole input terms on the tap material and convert the tape put term to the corresponding electric signal. The main function of tap feeder is recording the tap information.
Machine controller: is receiving the electric signal from the tape reader and cause the NC machine to the response.
Nc machining: is the machining process of the component according to the part programming.
ICG (Interactive computer graphic): It is a user oriented system in which computer is employ to create, transform and display the data in the form of picture or symbol. It is combination of hardware and software.

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