Ejection System

Ejection System: The ejection system in a mould should be:
1.Positive in action
2.No ejection mark will be seen on the product
3. No defects on the product (I.e distortion, flash, witness mark)
Type of ejection for a particular product will depends on:
1. The configuration of the product

Types of ejection:
1. Pin ejection ( Round Pin, D-Pin )
2. Blade ejection
3. Stripper ejection ( Stripper plate, Stripper Ring )
4. Sleeve ejection
5. Air ejection ( Valve ejection )
The force required to eject the moulding will depends on:
1. The area of contact between the plastics and steel material
2. Co-efficient of friction between the plastics and steel material
3. Elastic modulus of steel material
4. Poissons ratio of the plastic material
5. The thermal contraction of the plastic material.

1 comment:

  1. There are the good ideas to make good tools.
