Hacksaw, Chisels & Scraper

Hacksaw: The hacksaw is used for sawing all metal except hardened steel.
Part of hacksaw: A hand hacksaw consists of a frame, handle, and prongs, tightening screw and nut and blade. The frame is made to hold the blade tightly. They are made in two types:-
Solid frame: which the length cannot be changed.
Adjustable frame: This has a back that can be length end or shortened to hold blades of different length. Hacksaw blades are made of special steels.For hand saws either high carbon steel, low alloy steel or high speed steel is used. Blades are measured by the: Length, Width, Thickness, and Pitch of teeth. The length of the blade is the distance between the centers of the holes at each end. For hard operation the common length are 250-350 mm, widths are 13-16 mm and thickness are 0.63 -0.80 mm. The points of the teeth are bent to cut a wide groove and provide clearance for the blade to prevent “binding”. This binding of the teeth to tea sides is called the “set of the blades”.
The setting is done in three ways:
Ranker: in ranker setting one tooth is bent on one side the next is kept flat and the third on the opposite side of the first.
Alternate: in alternate setting one tooth of the handle is bent on one side while the often on the opposite side.
Wavy (undulated): in wavy setting, the teeth arrangement looks like a wave. 
HACKSAW: कठोर इस्पात (Hardened Steel) को छोड़कर हैक्सा धातुओं को काटने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। इसका फ्रेम सामान्य लोहे का बना हो सकता है एक हैक्सा एक फ़ॉरेस्ट दांत है, जो एक फ़्रेम में तनाव के नीचे एक ब्लेड के साथ कसा जाता है, जिसका इस्तेमाल धातु जैसे काटने के लिए किया जाता है। Bimetal High Speed Steel, Bimetal 8% Cobalt High Speed Steel, Hard High Speed Steel, Flexible High Speed Steel, High Carbon Steel.
Part of hacksaw: हाथ हैक्स एक फ्रेम होता है जिसमे पेंच और नट का इस्तमाल ब्लेड को कसने के लिए होता है। फ्रेम में ब्लेड को कसकर पकड़ने के लिए बनाया गया है। वे दो प्रकार के होते हैंI
Solid frame: ये ऐसा फ्रेम है जिसमे फ्रेम की लंबाई को बदला नहीं जा सकताI
Adjustable frame: हैक्सा ब्लेड विशेष स्टील्स के बने होते हैं हाथ से चलने वाले हैक्सा या तो उच्च कार्बन स्टील, कम मिश्र धातु इस्पात या उच्च गति स्टील का उपयोग किया जाता है। ब्लेड को मापा जाता है: लंबाई, चौड़ाई, मोटाई, और दांतों की पिच ब्लेड की लंबाईI ब्लेड की लम्बाई प्रत्येक छोर पर छेद के केंद्रों के बीच की दूरी है।
The setting is done in three ways: Ranker, Alternate, Wavy (undulated).

Chisels: Cold chisels are used for cutting and chipping away pieces of metal and are made of carbon steel usually rectangular, hexagonal or octagonal, Cross-section. 
The five most common types are:
1. Flat chisel: The flat chisel is the most common of all the chisels used in engineering. It is the chisel which is used for most of general chipping operations. The length of a flat chisels various from 100 to 400 mm, while the width of the cutting edges varies from 16 to 3 mm.
2. Cross- cut chisels: The cross- cut chisels or cape chisels is used for cutting grooves in larges surface previous to using the flat chisel and is also used in cutting key ways in wheels and shafts. Length of this chisels varies from 100 to 450 mm and width of the edges varies from about 4” to 12”.
3. Half round chisel: A half round chisel is particularly useful for cutting oil-ways or grooves in bearing ,bosses and pulleys etc. they are also used for setting over pilot poles. Length of this chisels varies from 150 to 250 mm and width of the edges varies from about 2 to 16.
4. Diamond point chisels: It is used for cutting vee, grooves, cleaning- corners and squaring small holes. The chisel is drawn to a square section. Length of this chisels various from 100 to 450 mm and width of the cutting edge from 6 to 16mm.
5. Side chisels: This is particularly useful in chipping and removing the surplus metal in cotter ways and slots, which may have to be cut by hand after having been drilled. The shank of this chisel is bent out a little sideway and then vertically down again.
Method of chiseling: Chipping is the process of removing thick layout of metal by means of cold chisels. In chipping work, the lob is firmly held in a vice and the metal is removed by striking the chisel on to the surface of the work piece by a chiefly with the second and third fingers. The index being relaxed. The angle the chisel should be held at in relation to the work depends to some extent upon its cutting angle, but can be best determined by actual practice. This should be at such an angle with the work than an even chip of right depth can be obtained at ease. If the surface to be chipped is too long it is ad visible to cut grooves along the whole surface by a cross-cut chisel and then chip away the rest of the metal, while chipping the operator should always keep his eyes on the cutting edge of the tools and not on its head. The process includes cutting keys ways, forming grooves, slots, oil channels etc. 
CHISELS: कोल्ड चिन्नी का उपयोग धातु से टुकड़ों को काटने और छिड़कने के लिए किया जाता है और चिन्नी कार्बन इस्पात से बनी होती हैं, आमतौर पर आयताकार, हेक्सा गोनल या अष्टकोणीय, क्रॉस-सेक्शन। चिन्नी पांच सबसे ज्यादा प्रयोग होने वाली चिन्नी है
Flat chisel: इंजीनियरिंग में उपयोग किए जाने वाली सभी छिनियों में फ्लैट छेनी सबसे आम है जो सामान्यतः काटने (Chipping Operations) के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। एक फ्लैट chisels की लंबाई 100 से 400 मिमी, जबकि काटने किनारों की चौड़ाई 16 से 3 मिमी से भिन्न होती है।
Cross- cut chisels, Half round chisel, Diamond point chisels, Side chisels 
Method of chiseling: छिड़कना ठंडे छेनी के माध्यम से धातु के मोटी परत को हटाने की प्रक्रिया है। काम के संबंध में छेनी को कोण के किनारे पर रखा जाना चाहिए, इसकी काटने के कोण पर कुछ हद तक निर्भर करता है, लेकिन वास्तव में वास्तविक अभ्यास द्वारा निर्धारित किया जा सकता है। यह इस तरह के कोण पर सही गहराई के चिप की तुलना में काम आसानी से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

Scraper: Scraping means shaving or paring off thin slicks or flakes of metal to make a fine, smooth surface. This is done with tools called scraper which have very hard cutting edges. The material is a good quality forged steel and the very hard cutting edges. Old files make excellent scrapers. The teeth of the files must first be ground off on all sides. They are then heated and bent to the desired shape and ground to have the cutting edge, followed by hardening and tempering. Scrapers are fitted with short, round handles that fit handle snugly. Scrapers are made in a variety of lengths from 100 mm upwards and in many shapes depending on the work to be done.
Type of scraper: Type of scraper are;-
1. Flat scraper: The flat scraper is the most common and also the most easily made. The cutting edge is at the end. It is used for producing a perfectly flat surface. Flat single –ended scrapers vary in length from 100 to 250 mm, double –ended scrapers having no handles cam be 350 to 400 mm long.
2. Triangular scraper: The triangular scraper has three cutting edges and is made from a triangular file. it is used to scrape round or curved surfaces and to remove sharp corners and burrs. The blade is usually 150 mm long.
3. Half –round scraper: A half round scraper is in shape, like a half- round file. They are often made from old half –round files. They are used to scrape round or curved surfaces. The length of the blade from the handle should be at least 150 mm. 

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