
Vice: is the most common tool for holding work. They include bench vice, leg vice, pipe vice, hand vices, pin vice and toolmaker’s vices.
Bench vice: The most commonly used in the engineer’s parallel jaw bench vice, its sometimes called fitter’s vice. It must be firmly fixed to the bench with coach screws or with nuts and bolts. the vice essentially consists of cast iron body, a fixed jaws and a movable jaw both made of cast steel, a handle ,a square –threaded screws and a nut, All made of mild steel. Separate cast steel plates known as jaw plates are fixed to the jaws by means of set screws and they can be replaced when worn.
Disadvantage of bench vice: For soft metal may be damaged when firmly held between the faces. Protective grips or clamps which can be made of lead, fiber, tin plate, etc. are therefore usually fitted over the jaws to prevent the serrations damaging the surfaces of finished work.
Bench vice: इंजीनियरिंग में समानांतर बेंच वाईस में इसका सबसे अधिक इस्तेमाल होता है, इसको कभी-कभी फिटर वाईस  भी कहते हैं। इससे कोच बोल्ट या नट और बोल्ट के साथ बेंच में दृढ़तापूर्वक तय किया जाना चाहिए। मूल रूप से यह कच्चा लोहा (Cast Iron) से बना होता है जिसमे शरीर, एक फिक्स जबड़ा और एक आगे पीछे होने वाला जबड़ा दोनों कास्ट स्टील(Cast Steel) एक हैंडल, एक चौकोर-स्क्रू और एक नट, सभी हल्के स्टील से बने होते हैं। जबड़े की प्लेट अलग डाली इस्पात, प्लेट सेट स्क्रू के माध्यम से जबड़े में टाइट की जाती  है और ख़राब हो जाने पर उन्हें बदला जा सकता है।
Care of vices: वाइस को एक ब्रश का उपयोग करके स्वच्छ, धूल और धातु चिप्स से दूर रखना चाहिए। कभी-कभी चूडियो में अखरोट का तेल डालना चाहिए। हथौड़ा या अन्य साधनों को संभाल कर इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए। बेंच वाईस को ओपन नहीं रखना चाहिए इस्तमाल के बाद उससे ढक कर रखना चाहिए। वर्क पीस को बेंच वाईस के सेंटर में पकड़ना चाहिए। बेंच वाईस के बोल्ट्स को कभी लूज़ नहीं रखना चाहिए।
Sizes: The sizes of a vice are known by the width of its jaws. The width suitable for common work varies from 80 to 140 mm. the maximum openings being 95 and 180 mm.
Leg vice: The leg vice is used by blacksmiths but it is also suitable for heavy hammering, chipping and cutting in fitter’s work. This construction of the vice makers it suitable for heavy disadvantage of this type is that the jaw come together like the arms of a letter ‘v’ and therefore don’t provide such a firm grip as the parallel jaw type.
Pipe vice: The pipe vice is used for holding round section metal, tubes, pipes. The screw is vertical and the movable jaw works vertically. It grips the works at four points on it surfaces.
Hand vice:  The hand vices is used for gripping screws, reverts keys, small drills and other similar objects which are too small to be conveniently held in the bench vice. The length varies from 125 to 150 mm and the jaw width from 40 to 44 mm.
Pin vice: the pin vice is used for holding round material of small diameter such as wire and pins, during working. It also forms a very useful handle for small files. Also we use for hold drills and pin both.
Toolmaker’s vices: The toolmaker’s vice is particularly useful for holding small work which requires filling or drilling and for such work as laying out small jobs on the surfaces plates. It is made of mild steel.
Plain or parallel vice: A plain vice is the most simple of all the types. The vice may have a single screw or double screws for actuating the moveable jaw. The double screws add gripping strength while taking deeper cuts or handling heavier jobs. It consists of a solid cast base carrying a fixed jaw at one end an elevated projection at the other. The later carries internal threads and acts as a nut for the screwed spindle that, while rotating in it, moves the adjustable jaw. It is commonly employed for holding the work in all plain milling operations that involve heavy cuts such as in slab milling, Its especially low construction enable the work to remain quite close to the table and thus reduces the chances of vibrations to a minimum. The base carries slots to accommodate T-slots to fix the vice on the table.
Swivel vice: In a swivel vice the base is graduated in degrees and the body of the vice may be swiveling arrangement at any desired angle on a horizontal plane.The swiveling arrangement is useful in beveling the end of workpiece. The swivel vice consists of a swivel base on which is mounted the body which can be clamped in any angular position by means of the clamping bolt. The graduated scale provided on the swivel base help in adjusting the body at any desired angle relative to that of a plain vice. This vice facilities milling of an angular surface on the work piece without disturbing its setting. The clamping bots operate in a circular T-slot provided in the base.
Universal swivel vice: A universal vice may be swiveled like a swivel vice. In addition to that, the body may be tilted in a vertical plane upto 90° from the horizontal. An inclined surface may be machined by a universal vice. The universal machine vice, enables milling of various surface, at an inclination to one another, without removing the work piece from the some. The vice, apart from being swiveled in a horizontal plane, can also be tilted vertically to be set at a desired angle and can thus be adopted for milling of compound angle. It is vastly used in tool room work and should not be used where heavy cuts are to be employed since it does not have the required clamping rigidity.
Vertical vice: The vertical vice very much resembles a plane vice in construction and operation both. The only difference is that it carries vertical jaws instead of the horizontal jaws. It is specific use is in holding those jobs on which milling is to be done at the ends.
Precision angle vice: The Precision angle vice consists of a cast base carrying two small vertical projections. One end of the body is hinged about those projections and other end can be adjusted in a vertical direction. It, thus, enables a precision angular adjustment of the job in a vertical plane. The marks provided on the body near the hinge enable a quick adjustment through the required angle.
Compound vice: The compound machine vice is very important and Precision vice which a compound slide similar to the one used on a center lathe. The work piece is held on the table provided at the top of the vice. This table can be swiveled in a horizontal plane to any desired angle, thus eliminating the use of a swivel vice. The Compound slide enables the adjustment of the work from front to back, back to front, left to right and right to left. Thus, the work can be adjusted in any desired position.
Care of vices: Vice should be kept clean and free dust and metal chips using a brush. Occasionally the thread and the nut should be oiled. The vice should never be used as an anvil, and a hammer or other means must not be used to move the handle..

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