Rotational Molding

Rotational molding: Rotational molding is a process of making hollow articles. The part is formed inside a closed female mould. In this process the mould rotates biaxial during heating and cooling cycle. Rotational molded pieces are stress free because the pieces are produced without any external pressure. The ability to manufacture large containers of capacity 30,000 gallons as well as small items like golf ball is responsible for the growth of this process..
The Process requires relatively in expensive equipment and exerts on only small pressure on the material being formed. Rotational molding also known as rotomolding or rotocasting, is a relatively small part of the plastics industry practiced by around 2500 companies around the world and it consumes approximately 0.7% of the total volume of the world production of plastics. It began with polyvinylchloride (PVC) plastisol moulding in the late 1950s and progressed into polyethylene where it has largely remained. It is small but exciting niche within the plastics world that reaches almost every conceivable market. Small parts such as medical pipette bulbs can be made in essentially the same manner as large 23 fit (7m) boats.
Intricate parts such as fuel tank and component for aircraft during are becoming more common as rotational molding is recognized by broader group of designers and engineers. A predetermined amount of powdered thermoplastic material is poured into mould; mould is closed, heated, and rotated in the axis of two planes until contents have fused to the inner walls of mould; mould is then opened and part is removed. 
1. Low mould cost, large hollow parts in one piece can be produced, and moulded parts are essentially isotropic in nature. 
2. Limited to hollow parts; production rates are usually slow.
Principle: The principle of the process is that finely divided plastic material becomes molten when comes in contact with hot metal surface of the mould and takes up the shape of that surface. As only female mould is used, the only pressures exerted are those induced by gravity and centrifugal force. The polymer is then cooled while still in contact with the metal mould to get the solid copy of the surface. Rotational molding permits to make a wide variety of fully and partially closed items. 
Typical applications: the versatility of rotational molding is constantly demonstrated by a wide range of products in an equally wide range of markets some typical market sectors and the applications within them include the following:
1. Agriculture (storage tanks, spraying equipment tanks)
2. Automotive (interior panels, fuels tanks, duct work, air intake systems)
3. Floor care (vacuum cleaner parts, floor cleaner tanks)
4. Lawn/garden (mower shrouds, fuel tanks, duct work)
5. Playground equipment (slides, climbing frames)
6. Signs and displays (points-of-purchase displays)
7. Sports\recreation (toys, play-balls, kayaks, canoes.
8. Transportation (road traffic barriers cones, signage, aircraft duck work)
Ideal non-tank applications for rotational moulding are typically complex hollow forms in relatively low quantities (up to approximately 10,000 parts). There are obvious exceptions to this, children’s toys for example but for the most part, rotomolding offer benefits to end-user s with low upfront costs in tolling and equipment and the ability to render almost any design that the molder can conceive.  The process is inherently a low pressure one is closely tied in many respect to the processing attributes of polyethylene. Material choices outside the polyethylene palette are limited in comparison to other processes and thus rotomolding does not always suit applications that have more demanding performance criteria. Tolerance control, surface finish and part stiffness are among the most common challenges.
Rotational moulding process: At first glance, rotational moulding is a relatively simple process. It utilizes molding temperatures, thin-walled metal or composite molds, biaxial rotation in two perpendicular axes, finely divided powder or liquid polymers, and cooling using air and/or water to produce hollow, seamless parts with relatively low levels of molded-in stress.
Rotational molding has four basic steps as shown schematically.
1. Loading: A per-weighed amount of powdered or liquid plastic is placed in one half of a thin-walled hollow metal mould that is mounted on the arm of a moulding machine. The mould is then closed using clamps or bolts at parting lines b/w the mould sections. This step includes weighing of the charge for a particular product then transferring it to the open cold mould. The mould surface usually coated with a mould releasing agent. The raw material can be in the form of powder or liquid state. The wall thickness can be controlled by varying the amount of raw material charged. After the material is charged the mould is closed and clamped to the arm of the machine. Then the mould is moved to an oven for heating.
2. Heating: The mold is then rotated biaxially about two perpendicular axes moved into an oven where heat is applied. The metal or composite mould become hot and transfers heat to the power or liquid material tumbling inside. As the temperature of the mold and material rise, a hollow part is formed as the material is deposited on the inner surface of the mould. In the case of powered materials, they melt in successive layers to form the part while liquid materials typically chemically react as they form the part shape. The mould fixed to the arm now moved to a closed chamber where it undergoes intense heating. During heating the mould rotates in two planes perpendicular to each other. The rotational speed varies in the range of 0-40 rpm on minor & 0-12 rpm on the major axis. 4:1 ratio is the most commonly used for symmetric article. For molding unsymmetrical products a wide variability of ratios is necessary. The revolving motion distributes the plastic material uniformly over the inside surface of the mould. The plastic material fuses into layers to form a hollow article. In case of hot air oven the temperature should be between 200ºc to 500ºc. The molding cycle time varies from 2 to 20 minutes depending upon the wall thickness of the article. The wall thickness can vary from 2 to 12mm or more. The heating chamber should be large enough to house the mould and rotate it freely. 
3. Cooling: For cooling the mould is transferred to the cooling station while still rotating. The cooling should be made as quickly as possible to avoid the plastic part to shrink away from the mould. Otherwise the part will get distorted. Cooling can be done by air or water. To provide faster cooling cold water is sprayed over the mould. When the material has melt or reacted and has been consolidated to produce the correct material properties, the mold is moved to a cooling station where forced air, water mist, or solidification point of the material. Uniaxial or biaxial rotation continues during cooling to prevent the molten material on the mold surface from sagging.
4. Unloading: After cooling the mould is transferred to the unloading station. In this step the mould is opened and the cooled part is taken out. It can be done manually or with mechanical assistance. The ejection can also be done by forced air. The mould is cleaned and the charge is loaded for the next cycle. Once the part has been cooled, the mold is moved to the unloading station where the part is removed. The mold is them ready to begin the process again. Stages 1 and 4 are often combined into a single operating station (mold servicing) in machine design so that the most basic of machine configurations typically consist of three workstations ;heating, cooling, and mold servicing. However, the apparent simplicity of the process belies the complex interaction of heat transfer and material distribution that occurs within the mold during the process. Rotational molding is unique among plastics process in that heating. Forming, and cooling of the material all occur inside the mold without the use of pressure; until recently, once a mold entered the oven, noting more was known other than that the powder melted (or liquid reacted) and was then cooled to form the part. Nowadays, sophisticated control systems, which can measure temperatures inside the mold during the cycle, scan the surface of the mold continuously for temperature readings, or even place a video camera inside to view the formation of the part are available.  
Heating system in rotational molding: The rotational molding process heats and cools both the mold and the plastic material. Cavities are building up with materials having high thermal conductivity, in order to minimize the time required for heat to pass through the wall of the cavity. Rotational molds may be heated by either an open-flame method, a hot air re-circulating oven method, or by a hot-oil jacketed mold system. Molten Salt-it leads to corrosion. Infrared Heater-Very efficient but costly method. The most used system is a re-circulating hot-air oven.
1. Re-circulating hot air oven method: In this system a positive displacement circulating fan distributes air through a system of ducts into the swept volume of the oven. The capacity of the fan (cubic meters of air per minute), will determine the number of air changes per minute. On contemporary machines, air should be changed in the oven approximately 25-30 times per minute in order to provide an effective heating for the mold. Direction of the air in the oven is generally caused by the directional louvers so that no “dead spots” are created. The static pressure capability of the fan system provides force to push the air over the mold and provide the scrubbing action of the hot air on the mold. The absorption of the heat by the mold transmits through to the powder to create the molded parts. The medium for heating hot-air ovens may either be natural gas or oil with a modulating burner. In some cases, electric heaters are used to generate the hot air environments. The regulation of air temperature in the swept volume of the oven is controlled by sophisticated electronic temperature control devices. The time that the mold remains in the oven is known as “Oven residence time”. The oven residence time necessary to cure a part will depend upon the wall thickness of the  part, the type of plastic material being used to mold the part, and the conductivity of the metal of the mold. Aluminium with a higher conductivity, allows heat to transfer from the air stream to the mold and the powder at a much faster rate than does steel. Thinner gauge aluminium helps to increase the conductivity.
2. Open flame heating: In the case of the rock and roll machines there was no heated oven; an open –flame method used whereby a manifold of gas jets was placed to evenly heat the mold. As the mold rotated about the major (rolling) axis, the heat was imparted directly onto the mold surface, and transferred through to the plastic. The machine was inexpensive to manufacture, but the operating cost were significantly more than the closed oven type of heating system. All of the thermal energy not imparted to the mold went into the atmosphere creating increased temperature in the work environment and the loss of energy. Open flame machines are still used for very large tanks that are too large to fit in conventional re-circulating ovens or where the quantity of tanks is so small as to not justify the expense of building a large oven. 
3. Hot oil heating method: The hot oil jacketed mold system was one of the earliest systems used for rotational molding. In closed oven with re-circulating hot air, there will be heat losses due to the extra volume in the oven not filled by the mold. The jacketed mold maintains the mold temperature very close the temperature of the hot oil being used. Therefore, the hot oil system generally uses a lower temperature for molding since the oil is in direct contact with the mold and imparts the heat energy very quickly. The difficulty of using jacketed hot-oil molds is that the expenses of the molds is considerably more than used in the other types of heating.

Rotational molding machines: Batch type is used in prototype or low volume production. This method requires less capital but most involvement of manual labor. Continuous or rotary type method includes three basic stations arranged 120º apart from arms attached to a central hub containing the drive mechanism. Advantage of this system is minimal labor and high production rate. 
Rotational molding by carousel-type machines: The carousel type machine is a three-station rotary indexing type with a central turret and three cantilevered mould arms. Individual arms are involved in different operations simultaneously so that no arms are idle at any time. All operations are automated and at the end of each cycle the turret is indexed 120º, thereby moving each mould arms to its next station. Newer carousel machines being offered today have four arms. The additional arm can be used in a second oven, cooler or load station, depending on, which is the most time-consuming part of the overall cycle. The four-arm carousel machines increase the production by allowing the indexing from station to station to occur more frequently than could be managed on a three-arm machine. 

Multilayer rotational moulding: It is used to combine two different colors of the same material or two dissimilar materials into one part. It offers potential advantages of increased stiffness. When solid and foam are combined, improved barrier properties and permeation resistance by using thin inner or outer layer of low permeable material. It is a two staged process in which the skin of one material is combined with an inner layer of another material. The first shot of material moulds in the normal fashion and the material adheres to the mould. When adhering and curing of the layer is completed the mould is removed from oven and second shot material is added. While producing very thick parts care should be taken not to thermally degrade the outer layers at the expense of optimizing properties of inner layers. The double process is at its best when two walls adhere to each other. Two different colors of virgin and reprocessed combinations of the same material would be ideal. Dissimilar materials such as nylon and PE that don’t bond to each other are being used, but there are some limitations. Two materials must be chemically compatible. They should have similar processing temperature and similar co-efficient of thermal expansion. 

Material considerations for rotational molding: All thermoplastic materials can be rotationally molded. HDPE, LLDPE, LDPE, PVC, PC, ABS, PS, Acrylics, Nylon, TPU, SAN Polyesters are the materials which are commonly used. The various properties considered in selecting the proper material are grind ability, particle distribution, and particle mesh size; pour ability, bulk density and fusibility. The material should be able to ground to a fine powder and the common size is about 300µ and maximum size is up to 400/500 µ.To provide fine grinding the high speed impact mills are used. The most common mesh size for rotational molding ranges from 16 to 50. The material should produce less volatile during heating. The particle size distribution should also be uniform to provide uniform conductance of heat. 
Material preparation: The rotation process exerts negligible shear on the material used for rotational moulding. As a result, moulding material must be free-flowing enough to reach every surface detail and must have low enough melt viscosity properties to form a smooth finish. To achieve this, the majority of materials are molded as finely divided powers or pellets, although an increasing number or liquid materials are also used. Materials are most commonly ground to a 35 mesh standard (500% microns) that is defined as the size through which 95% of the material will pass. The average size of the powder particles is typically around 50 meshes (250 microns) although a full range of particles size from very finer and coarser mesh sizes are used for specialized applications and materials. Micro pellets in the range of 0.020”-0.060” (500-1500 microns) have been used successfully for a range of applications, but are not common. They offer good mouldability and eliminate the need for grinding, which has the potential for reducing cost and eliminating the shearing action of grinding from the heat history of the material. However, extruder throughput level are lower than for regular size pellets and this tends to offset some of the potential cost saving. Micro pellets are very free- flowing and cases produce uneven wall thickness distribution due to the short residence time during rotation on large flat surface or internal corners. A combination of 10%-20% power with micropellets can aid in producing a smooth surface and the higher bulk density of micropellets can allow more materials to be placed in the spaces. A process used to reduce the pallets or granules to a smaller size is called grinding or milling. In this process the granules fed into the centre of two plates, each with a series of radically arranged cutting edges. One plate is held stationary while other is rotated at high speed. The gap between the cutting edges of the two plates is narrower at their peripheries than the centres. Any individual granules subjected to cutting action, generate frictional heat and increase the temperature of metal cutting face. Hence the temp must be controlled so that it doesn't rise beyond the melting point of granules. This ground particles will be passed through a series of vibrating sieves through which the finer particles will fall and be collected for use. The oversized particles held on the sieve are conveyed back to the mill for further disintegration.
The grinding process: The bulk of materials ground for rotational moulding are polyethylene (95% + of the market). Polyethylene is a relatively tough material that can be difficult of divide. The most common method of pulverizing is performed using high-speed attrition mills that grind pellets approximately 3/16” – ¼” (5-6 mm) in diameter down to the required particles size- distribution. Attrition uses a stationary and a rotating disk with a series radially serrated teeth machined into them within mill housing. The disks are positioned opposite each other with a narrow gap that tapers down from the center of the plates to the outer edge. Modern mill use horizontal operation for more uniform power production and reduced wear on the cutting teeth. Production units use single, double, and triple mill configurations according to the throughput required. There are a number of important parameters used to control the throughput and quality of the powers produced in typical mills, including the number of teeth on the grinding plates, the gap size between the plates, and the grinding temperature.
Cryogenic grinding: Cryogenic grinding uses liquid nitrogen to freeze material prior to feeding it into the mill and to maintain a low temperature throughout the system. It is used for soft or very tough materials that cannot be ground at normal temperatures. By freezing the pellets, they are shattered as they pass through the mill. Cryogenic ground materials tend to feel somewhat coarse in comparison to polished polyethylene power.
Mould materials: Moulds are not so expensive, but entirely depends upon the quality level of the molded parts and the method of heating to be used in the process. Three types of mould materials in common use are: Cast aluminium moulds are widely used for small to medium sized parts requiring number of cavities. Steel sheet is preferred where surface finish is not critical and for the larger moulds of simple design. Electroformed copper-nickel moulds are most expensive but offer a very smooth finish.  These types of moulds are best when very intricate surface and precise detail is required on the finished part. 
Process variables: There are many potential variables in the rotational molding process that can affect the size of the part being produced. If there is any variation in the amount of plastic material charged into the cavity, the wall thickness will change accordingly. The shrinkage and part dimension also vary with a change in wall thickness. The speed and ratio of rotation determine the number of times a specific location on the cavity passes through the puddle of plastic material and the direction in which it enters and exits the puddle.  A change in these molding machine settings can affect the uniformity of the wall thickness of part. The molding machine speed, ratio of rotation, oven temperature and other processing parameters must accommodate all the parts being molded. Variation in over time, temperature and air velocity can affect final part size. The hotter the plastic material becomes, the more it expands, the material will then contract or shrinks more as it returns to room temperature. The speed with which plastic material is cooled will affect shrinkage. Cooling the material quickly will result in a low shrinkage factor. Cooling the material slowly increases shrinkage, but the shrinkage will be more uniform. These Variations in shrinkage encourage war page and make it difficult to maintain uniform dimensions. Variations in the amount of mold release used can increase or decrease the tendency of a hollow part to pull away from the cavity as the part cools and shrinks. The best approach is molding parts to close tolerance to establish the optimum molding cycle and then maintain those conditions. The speed of rotation of the mold must be slow enough to ensure the gravity holds the plastic material in a puddle in the bottom of the cavity. 
Rotational molding process vs blow molding process: Rotational molding process has clear advantages over other process like blow molding and injection molding. The ideal shape for a part for Blow Moulding is a cylinder that is closed on one end with a small opening at the other end. The best shape for a rotationally molded part is ball. Extrusion blow molding machine cost more than the rotational molding machine for a given size and capacity. Blow molding machines are powered by electricity which is 40 % more costly than the natural gas that is typically used for heating in the rotational molding process. The moulds for blow moulding are normally higher in cost than rotational moulding. Blow moulding has advantage over rotational moulding of being able to process many thermoplastic materials including ABS and PPO. Multilayered walled parts like fuel tanks are blow molded but much more costly moulding machines are required. The blow moulding process has advantage of being able to process materials as-received in pallet form. It eliminates the cost of pulverizing the pallets into fine powder. Blow moulding process ideally suitable for capacity unto 1000 hits. But container with capacity 10,000 or 50,000 Hrs are most common in rotational moulding process. Blow moulding is preferred for larger volume, lighter duty barrels. Rotational moulding dominates the market for smaller volume specially barrels with improved toughness.
Power quality and assessment: Power particles size, shape-distribution are important factors in determining the mouldability of material. Heat is transferred to the power by conduction with other particles and the mold and by convection with the surrounding air. 
Particles shape: A magnified view of an improperly ground polyethylene power. Many of the particles have tails and “hairs” attached. These can lead to a number of problems, including reduced bulk density, poor flow characteristics and unevenness during moulding. On the other hand show a sample of power that has been “polished” to remove tails and hairs that can interlock to cause problems. Note that while the particles are not uniform in shape, they are rounded and therefore able to flow much more easily. Also, a range of particle size is present; this is essential in promoting even flow and good surface reproduction during molding.
Particles size distribution (ASTM D-1921): Particles size distribution (PSD) is measured using a set of sieves stacked vertically with mesh size typically ranging from 100 meshes (150 microns) to 30 meshes (600 microns). A simple of material (typically 100g) is shaken, vibrated, or tapped through the sieves for a fixed time period (Typically 10 mm) and the quantity retained on each sieve is measured. A typical size- distribution is show in figure. A broad range of distributions can produce quality moldings – the main aspects requiring control are the level of fine particles (<100 mesh) and the level of coarse particles (>35 mesh). Typical quality guidelines look for a PSD with 95% < 35 mesh (500 microns) and a maximum of 15% < 100 mesh (150 microns).
Dry flow (ASTM D-1895): The shape of the particles will affect the way of the material will flow during molding. A measure of this flow is called the “Dry flow” rate and is a measure using a funnel of specified shape and dimensions. The powder that has been ground properly will flow through the funnel smoothly and steadily. If the powder has not been ground properly and the particles are “hairy” or have tails attached, it will not flow well or even not at all in some cases. Flow rate is important since easy-flow powder will produce part of more uniform wall thickness than powder that are tacky, sticky, or that tend to bridge. A recommended powder flow rate is between 25 and 32 s for a 100 g same although higher flow rate can be tolerated for large simple part shape that do not have a lot of fine surface detail.
Bulk density (ASTM D-1895): The bulk density of the power is measured using a cylinder of know volume placed under the dry flow test funnel. The power is leveled off after filling the cylinder (taking care not to tamp it and cause settling) and weighed.  The weight of the power is less then divided by the volume of the cylinder to calculate bulk density. Typical power will have been poorly ground with many tails will have lower densities as the power does not pack as well.
Mould Design Consideration: Mould for rotational mouldings are hollow, thin-walled and lightweight with good heat transfer characteristics and must be sufficiently strong to withstand repeated handling. They are relatively low-cost in comparison with injection or blow-moulding tools. The choice of mould material and method of manufacture used will depend on the size, complexity, surface finish, and the number of the mould required for the production run anticipated for the product. For all their apparent simplicity, mould for rotational moulding are subjected to more rigorous demand than those used in other processes. Injection, blow, and thermoforming moulds are used to shape molten or softened plastic. Rotational moulding tools are used to heat the raw material from ambient conditions again. This thermal cycle present a dichotomy from the mould maker in that mould must be thin enough to allow heat 

Advantages: The major advantage of rotational moulding as compared to other plastic moulding processes is that it can make very large parts. It requires comparatively low cost input. The products are stress free with strong outside corners. There are no weld lines, sprue or gate marks. Here impact toughness is improved and failure due to brittleness is reduced. The external dimensional details can be easily moulded with better surface glossiness. The colour changes in the product can be made easily. Similarly mould changes can also be done rapidly. Multilayer moulding is also possible for providing chemical resistance and strength to the part. Good control over wall thickness variation is also achievable as compared to blow moulding or thermoforming. Molding can be done with metal inserts and minor undercuts. No scrap or very little scrap is produced. Low tooling cost. 
The main advantage of rotational moulding can be summarized as following:
1. It is ideally suited to the manufacture of hollow, complex shapes ranging in size from hearing aid components industrial tank of over 20,000 gallons (75,700 Letters) capacity and boats up to 23 feet (7m) long.
2. Both mold and machines are simple and relatively low-cost. It is a low-pressure process that allows thin wall, low strength molds to be used. Small production runs can be cost effective.
3. Low pressure and low-shear during moulding produce parts that have low levels of molded-in stress.
4. Parts have relatively good wall thickness distribution compared to processes such as blow-molding and thermoforming. External corners tend to thicken, which can be an advantage in applications where wear is critical.
5. Parts can have thin walls relative to their size and volume, i.e., large storage tanks.
6. Part wall thickness can be adjusted by modification of mold by simply adjusting the amount of material used.
7. Different sizes of parts can be produced simultaneously on the same machine at same time.
8. Parts made of different materials can be molded simultaneously on the same machine and even on the same machine arm at the time.
9. Large metal inserts and graphics can be molded directly into parts. A wide range of surface textures and details can be reproduced.
10. Colour change can be made quickly and easily. There is no purging process such as that found in injection moulding or extrusion processes; parts can be molded in new colour without loss of material or parts.
11. Multiple- layer parts can be formed using the same low-cost moulds. Multi-colors and parts with foamed layers can be produced using simple techniques.
12. All material placed in the mold is used to form the part. Scrap is limited to those areas that are removed from the part during finishing. Insulated solutions of the mould can be used to minimum this “run-out” or scrap material.
Disadvantages: The molding cycles are longer compared to blow molding and thermoforming. In case of big parts loading and unloading is very labor intensive. The process is not suitable for parts with wall thickness less than 0.03”. The conversion of plastic granules to powder form increases the equipment and process cost. 
Limitations: It is an open molding process and so there are no cores inside the hollow parts Surface details and dimensions can only be provided and controlled on the side of the part. The process requires heating and cooling of not only plastic material but also the mould as well. The long heating cycle increase the possibility of thermal degradation. It is not suitable for materials with less heat   resistant to withstand the long heating cycle. The material must be capable of being pulverized into fine powder that flows like liquid. Removal of plastic sticking onto the surface of cavity requires careful application of mould release agent. 
The main limitation of rotational moulding can be summarized as following:
1. The process is typically not well-suited to very large production runs of smaller parts- For smaller parts blow-moulding or even injection moulding may be more competitive (although high-production rates can be achieved through the use of multiple molds and machines, e.g., children’s play-balls).
2. The number of materials that are available for rotational moulding is limited in comparison to other processes.
3. Material costs are higher due to the need to grind pellets of raw material into a fine power for moulding. Micro-pelletizing technology has been explored to reduce this penalty.
4. Cycle time are longer in comparison to other processes as both the mould and material must be heated are cooled. The materials used typically require more thermal stabilization and can cost slightly more than of other processes.
5. Loading of moulds and unloading of parts is labor intensive in comparison to other processes, especially for complex parts.
6. Release agents are required to ensure that the material does not stick to the mould during de-moulding. This often demands constant attention by the machine operator.
7. Bosses and ribs for stiffening cannot be easily molded into parts; designers must depend more on parts geometry and design to produce stiff parts.
8. Large flat surface are difficult to produce due to warpage. Designers will typically use ribbing and surface details to avoid them in parts.
9. The inner surface of part is freely formed during molding. This means that the dimensions cannot be controlled with the same degree of accuracy as, for example, in injection moulding.
10. The part is free to shrink within the mold during cooling dimensional accuracy can therefore be difficult to predict.

Rotational molding is incredibly versatile, able to handle a vast variety of shapes and sizes. Many parts cannot be readily produced by any other method. 
INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL  Agriculture, Health & Science, & Point of Sale (POS): 
Specialty tanks and containers for fuel, water, and chemical processing
1. Livestock feeders 
2. Drainage systems 
3. Food service containers 
4. Instrument housings 
5. Vending machines 
6. Highway barriers and road markers 
CONSUMER PRODUCTS  Recreational, Special Application, Toy, & Transportation: 
1. Boats and kayaks 
2. Childcare seats 
3. Light globes 
4. Tool carts 
5. Planter pots 
6. Playing balls 
7. Playground equipment 
8. Headrests 
9. Truck/cart liners 
10. Air ducts 
1. Sizes available from 0.8 x 0.6 through to 1.7 x 1.7 
2. Rackable and non rackable models available 
3. Unique internal steel frame for extra strength 
4. Flat pallets, V Pallets for roll stability & Drum pallets 
5. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
6. Available in a variety of colours and can be numbered or incorporate text or logos 
7. Hygienic food grade polyethylene (LDPE) 
8. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

Storage Round:
1. Bins, Drums, Containers 25L - 800L 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents.
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life .

Storage Rectangular Large
1. Insulated bins, Meat bins, Large capacity bins & transit tanks 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
3. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
4. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life

Storage Rectangular Small
1. Fish Bins, Rectangular bins, Trays, Nestable bins, Storage containers. 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

Buckets, IBC's & Tanks
1. Hoppers, IBC's, Tanks and Buckets 
2. Integrated solutions a speciality  
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

Trays, Lids & Storage Cubes
1. Multipurpose trays and catch pans 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

Domestic & Outdoors
1. Rubbish bins, Pot liners, Compost bins & Baitboards 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

1. Test buckets, Troughs, Feeders & Jetter tanks  
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life 

Spheres, Lighting and Other Products
1. Varying diametre pheres for lighting, Mussel Floats and Road cones 
2. One piece, virtually stress free moulding 
3. Hygienic food grade Polyethylene (LDPE), resistant to most chemicals 
4. Smooth, non stick easy clean surface that can be pressure or steam washed with detergents 
5. UV stabilised to maximise outdoor life.

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